Trouver des Possibilités de Financement

  • Like the SFI Research Centres, the SFI Spokes programme will help link scientists and engineers in partnerships across academia and industry to address crucial research questions, foster the development of new and existing Ireland-based technology companies, attract industry that could make an impor
    Geographical Coverage: National
    The total request for salary and subsistence for a 12 month visit cannot exceed €150,000 and must be appropriately pro-rated for shorter term visits
    Sector of Activity:
    Research & innovation
  • Feasibility study grant aid is available to groups, organisations, businesses or individuals to allow them assess the viability of a business idea
    Geographical Coverage: National
    Funding amounts will depend on the type of business proposed, geographical location, skills level required, and the potential employment level of the project.
    Sector of Activity:
  • Research and development grants are available to assist businesses develop innovative products, processes and services which will lead to an enhancement of their ability to perform in increasingly competitive markets.
    Geographical Coverage: National
    Funding amounts will depend on the type of business proposed, geographical location, skills level required, and the potential employment level of the project.
    Sector of Activity:
  • Údarás na Gaeltachta can provide assistance by way of capital grant to enterprises seeking aid for an initial investment for capital expenditure costs.
    Geographical Coverage: National
    Funding amounts will depend on the type of business proposed, geographical location, skills level required, and the potential employment level of the project.
    Sector of Activity:
  • Objectifs:  Aménager et gérer durablement les plages en améliorant la sécurité et les conditions d’accueil du public, en canalisant et gérant les flux, en renforçant la préservation du site.

    Geographical Coverage: Regional
    Sector of Activity:
    Coastal tourism
