UHINAK II Cross border conference on climate and coastal change

FICOBA, AZTI TECNALIA, Orain, Eusko Jaurlaritzaren, Les Pyrénées-Atlantiques, Région Aquitaine, Agglomération Sud Pays Basque
Irun, Spain
27/09/2016 – 28/09/2016
Uhinak is a cross border congress about the way climate change and extreme weather phenomena affect coastal areas. In this second edition the scope of the congress is the Bay of Biscay, from Galicia to Britanny. The aim of Uhinak is to get to know the needs of agents facing climate change and to find out the scientific contributions to meet those needs. In order to achieve that objective, Uhinak sets out a multidisciplinary approach that brings together the different stakeholders: scientists, technicians, and administrations.
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