Actualité Atlantique

  • SAVE THE DATE! 8 Juin 2015 - Séminaire national de l’Equipe de Soutien pour le Plan d’Action Atlantique - France

    (La Rochelle, France)

    L'Equipe de Soutien pour le Plan d'Action Atlantique vous informe de la tenue à La Rochelle, le 8 juin 2015, d'une journée nationale d'information et d'échanges sur cet outil de la Stratégie Maritime Atlantique de l'Union européenne.

    Cet événement se décompose en :

  • The Support Team for the Atlantic Action Plan held its French national meeting in La Rochelle (France) the 6 of June 2015

    During the morning session, the Atlantic Action Plan was explained by DG MARE and the French governemental “Secrétariat General de la Mer”.

    Then three representatives from different bodies presented different EU funding sources.

  • Guidance for Beneficiaries of European Structural and Investment Funds and related EU instruments

    DG Regio’s useful guidance on how to effectively access and use the European Structural and Investment Funds and how to exploit complementarities with other instruments of relevant Union policies can be found at this link.

  • Guidance for Beneficiaries of European Structural and Investment Funds and related EU instruments

    DG Regio’s useful guidance on how to effectively access and use the European Structural and Investment Funds and how to exploit complementarities with other instruments of relevant Union policies can be found at this link.

  • Guidance for Beneficiaries of European Structural and Investment Funds and related EU instruments

    DG Regio’s useful guidance on how to effectively access and use the European Structural and Investment Funds and how to exploit complementarities with other instruments of relevant Union policies can be found at this link.

  • Guidance for Beneficiaries of European Structural and Investment Funds and related EU instruments

    DG Regio’s useful guidance on how to effectively access and use the European Structural and Investment Funds and how to exploit complementarities with other instruments of relevant Union policies can be found at this link.

  • Two aquaculture related projects of a total over £3.400.000 will be announced in 2015

    The Scottish Aquaculture Innovation Centre has announced grants worth almost £950,000 to fund industry-changing research on sea lice control. More information about these projects is available here.

  • Two aquaculture related projects of a total over £3.400.000 will be announced in 2015

    The Scottish Aquaculture Innovation Centre has announced grants worth almost £950,000 to fund industry-changing research on sea lice control. More information about these projects is available here.

  • Two aquaculture related projects of a total over £3.400.000 will be announced in 2015

    The Scottish Aquaculture Innovation Centre has announced grants worth almost £950,000 to fund industry-changing research on sea lice control. More information about these projects is available here.

  • Two aquaculture related projects of a total over £3.400.000 will be announced in 2015

    The Scottish Aquaculture Innovation Centre has announced grants worth almost £950,000 to fund industry-changing research on sea lice control. More information about these projects is available here.
