Trouver des Possibilités de Financement

  • Deadline: 
    June 7, 2024
    Geographical Coverage: European
    Sector of Activity:
    Research & innovation
  • BeMed is dedicated to achieving significant milestones through its support for projects undertaken by or in close coordination with local stakeholders committed to combating plastic pollution on Mediterranean islands. The overarching objectives of these endeavors include:

    July 10, 2024
    Geographical Coverage: National
    Sector of Activity:
    Research & innovation
    Water projects
  • The European Commission is pleased to announce a call for proposals under the framework of the Mission 'Restore our Ocean, seas and waters by 2030'.

    September 18, 2024
    Geographical Coverage: European
    Sector of Activity:
    Research & innovation
  • In line with the Mission 'Restore our ocean and waters by 2030', this call seeks to galvanize action among waterfront cities, regions, and islands across the European Union towards the protection and restoration of marine and freshwater ecosystems.

    September 18, 2024
    Geographical Coverage: European
    Sector of Activity:
    Research & innovation
  • The overall aim is to accelerate the cost-effective construction and deployment of floating wind farms, facilitating their rapid and sustainable d

    Echec lors de l'ouverture de %settings. Veuillez vérifier les permissions du fichier. 21, 2025
    Geographical Coverage: European
    Sector of Activity:
    Research & innovation
  • This initiative aims to assist SME’s to disseminate information about and to obtain market data on their products by providing support towards the cost of the first time participation in a particular trade fair or exhibition.
    Geographical Coverage: National
    €65,000 per firm up to end 2006, as per notification to the European Union
    Sector of Activity:
  • Su finalidad es el apoyo de proyectos empresariales que impliquen la incorporación y adaptación de tecnologías novedosas a nivel sectorial, y que supongan una ventaja competitiva para la empresa.
    Geographical Coverage: National
    Final Beneficiaries: Companies, regardless of size. Minimum fundable budget: €175,000. Amount of funding: up to 75% of eligible budget (funds CDTI) and can reach 85% if you are co-funded with FEDER funds.
    Sector of Activity:
    Research & innovation
  • The call is opened all the year.
    Geographical Coverage: National
    There are 4 project categories. (i) I+D Individual (Beneficiaries SMEs, large business. Project length 12-36 months. Project budget: minimum €175000). (ii) R+D project in national cooperation (Beneficiaries: Consortiums, Project Length 12-36 months, Project Budget: minimum €500000), (iii) International Technological Cooperation and (Iv) projects related to specific calls.
    Sector of Activity:
    Other Sector of Activity: 
    Energy, transport, Health, Bioeconomy, Climate, Natural Resources
  • Feasibility study grant aid is available to groups, organisations, businesses or individuals to allow them assess the viability of a business idea
    Geographical Coverage: National
    Funding amounts will depend on the type of business proposed, geographical location, skills level required, and the potential employment level of the project.
    Sector of Activity:
  • If you have an excellent idea for a research project, the best way to seek funding for it is through our Research Grants open call.
    Geographical Coverage: National
    £350.000 to £1.000.000
    Sector of Activity:
    Research & innovation
