Trouver des Possibilités de Financement

  • This is a FORTHCOMING Call for Grants/Blended Financing. The planned opening date is 26 March 2020 but the call has not been opened yet.

    Geographical Coverage: European
    Sector of Activity:
  • This award is run jointly with Brazil's São Paulo Research Foundation (FAPESP). It aims: • To pump-prime collaborations between scientists in the UK and the São Paulo State, Brazil • To promote the exchange of scientists and access to facilities and materials
    Geographical Coverage: National
    Typically up to £35k over 2-years will be provided for the UK partners
    Sector of Activity:
    Research & innovation
  • Knowledge Transfer Partnerships (KTPs) accelerate business innovation by supporting knowledge exchange with academic institutions.
    Geographical Coverage: National
    Sector of Activity:
    Research & innovation
  • Aims to help scientists add an international dimension to their BBSRC-funded research by making and establishing new contacts with international counterparts.
    Geographical Coverage: National
    Funding is limited to travel and subsistence costs only and does not usually exceed £5k
    Sector of Activity:
    Research & innovation
  • Aims to provide funding for commercial activities such as: • Commissioning expert advice from sector specialists on the best commercial development strategy for a business idea • Completing a market assessment to determine likely potential, competition and opportunities
    Geographical Coverage: National
    Applications will be in the region of £7-10k (fEC)
    Sector of Activity:
    Research & innovation
  • Scientists wishing to return to research after a career break of two or more years for family, caring or health reasons
    Geographical Coverage: National
    Sector of Activity:
    Research & innovation
  • Investigação e Desenvolvimento Tecnológico - Proteção dos Direitos da Propriedade Industrial - Projetos Individuais (17/SI/2015)
    Geographical Coverage: National
    € 9.900.000
    Sector of Activity:
    Other Sector of Activity: 
  • Proteção dos Direitos da Propriedade Industrial - Projetos Individuais (17/SI/2015)
    Geographical Coverage: National
    € 3.800.000
    Sector of Activity:
    Other Sector of Activity: 
  • Investigação e Desenvolvimento Tecnológico - Internacionalização de I&D - Projetos Individuais (11/SI/2015) Os projetos a apoiar inserem-se na modalidade de “Projetos individuais” inscrita nas tipologias:
    Geographical Coverage: National
    € 17.200.000
    Sector of Activity:
    Other Sector of Activity: 
  • Investigação e Desenvolvimento Tecnológico - Projetos em Co-Promoção - Regime Contratual de Investimento (RCI) (07/SI/2015)
    Geographical Coverage: Regional
    € 13.000.000
    Sector of Activity:
    Other Sector of Activity: 
