Encuentra Oportunidades de Financiación

  • A new EUR 2.2 million call for proposals has opened for a 

    June 11, 2024
    Geographical Coverage: European
    Sector of Activity:
    Fish for animal feeding
    Fish for human consumption
  • This application should be used for projects relating to: • innovation in fisheries • conservation measures and regional cooperation • innovation linked to the conservation of marine biological resources • protection and restoration of marine biodiversity • inland fishing
    Geographical Coverage: National
    As described in guidance
    Sector of Activity:
    Fish for animal feeding
    Fish for human consumption
    Prevent and protect against illegal movement of people and goods
  • Údarás na Gaeltachta can provide assistance by way of capital grant to enterprises seeking aid for an initial investment for capital expenditure costs.
    Geographical Coverage: National
    Funding amounts will depend on the type of business proposed, geographical location, skills level required, and the potential employment level of the project.
    Sector of Activity:
  • Investigação e Desenvolvimento Tecnológico - Projetos em Co-Promoção - Regime Contratual de Investimento (RCI) (07/SI/2015)
    Geographical Coverage: Regional
    € 13.000.000
    Sector of Activity:
    Other Sector of Activity: 
  • This application should be used for projects relating to: • investments in equipment or on board aimed at reducing the emission of pollutants of greenhouses gases and increasing energy efficiency • new fishing gear contributing to energy efficiency • engine replacements and modernisations
    Geographical Coverage: National
    As described in guidance
    Sector of Activity:
    Environmental monitoring
    Ocean renewable energy
  • Referred to as an employment grant, aid is calculated by reference to the expected wage costs over the first two years of jobs created as a result of an initial investment project.
    Geographical Coverage: National
    Sector of Activity:
  • Investigação e Desenvolvimento Tecnológico - Internacionalização de I&D - Projetos Individuais (11/SI/2015) Os projetos a apoiar inserem-se na modalidade de “Projetos individuais” inscrita nas tipologias:
    Geographical Coverage: National
    € 17.200.000
    Sector of Activity:
    Other Sector of Activity: 
  • This application should be used for projects relating to: • diversification of income • improving health and safety • start-up support for young fishermen • limitation of the impact of fishing on the marine environment and adaptation of fishing to the protection of species
    Geographical Coverage: National
    As described in guidance
    Sector of Activity:
    Environmental monitoring
    Prevent and protect against illegal movement of people and goods
    Protection of habitats
  • Diversifying and expanding your business brings with it the requirement for new skills and expertise. Under the Training Grants Scheme, Údarás na Gaeltachta provides assistance for training programmes that train or retrain employees.
    Geographical Coverage: National
    Funding amounts will depend on the type of business proposed, geographical location, skills level required, and the potential employment level of the project.
    Sector of Activity:
  • Proteção dos Direitos da Propriedade Industrial - Projetos Individuais (17/SI/2015)
    Geographical Coverage: National
    € 3.800.000
    Sector of Activity:
    Other Sector of Activity: 
